#Squidman ps4 tutorial code
code signed, which allows launching without GateKeeper warnings on systems with default GateKeeper preferences.added support for OS X 10.9 (Mavericks).dropped support for 32-bit systems (now requires OS X 10.6.8 or higher, on 64-bit hardware).upgraded the bundled version of Squid to 3.3.8.compiled squid with EUI support disabled, to stop extensive console logging.upgraded the bundled version of Squid to 3.3.9.uses version 2 code signing for OS X 10.9.5 and 10.10.x, which allows launching without GateKeeper warnings on systems with default GateKeeper preferences.fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Squid from being upgraded when a new version of SquidMan was run.compiled squid with reverse-proxy SSL support disabled, since OpenSSL is deprecated on OS X.upgraded the bundled version of Squid to 3.4.9.fixed a bug that would prevent Squid shutdown on logout if SquidMan was running.added new preference options for the in-memory cache.added a new Control menu, with commands and keyboard equivalents for manually starting, stopping, and restarting squid.upgraded the bundled version of Squid to 3.5.15.added a new advanced preferences tab with performance tuning options.added more robust detection and (re)installation of the helper tool.added new preference options to support separate parent proxy options for different network locations, and to optionally reconfigure Squid on a location change.upgraded the bundled version of Squid to 3.5.28.removed support for macOS versions earlier than 10.10.upgraded the bundled version of Squid to 4.7.tested on and notarized for Gatekeeper compatibility on macOS X 10.15 (Catalina).

upgraded the bundled version of Squid to 4.13.tested on the Apple Silicon architecture running macOS 11.0 (Big Sur).tested on Intel architectures running 10.10 (Yosemite) through to 10.15 (Catalina).